List of HID++ 2.0 features

Feature status

See functions in and

Feature ID Status Notes
ROOT 0x0000 Supported System
FEATURE_SET 0x0001 Supported System
FEATURE_INFO 0x0002 Supported System
DEVICE_FW_VERSION 0x0003 Supported get_firmware, get_ids, read only
DEVICE_UNIT_ID 0x0004 Unsupported
DEVICE_NAME 0x0005 Supported get_kind, get_name, read only
DEVICE_GROUPS 0x0006 Unsupported
DEVICE_FRIENDLY_NAME 0x0007 Supported get_friendly_name, read only
KEEP_ALIVE 0x0008 Unsupported
RESET 0x0020 Unsupported aka “Config Change”
CRYPTO_ID 0x0021 Unsupported
TARGET_SOFTWARE 0x0030 Unsupported
DFUCONTROL_LEGACY 0x00C0 Unsupported
DFUCONTROL_SIGNED 0x00C2 Unsupported
DFU 0x00D0 Unsupported
BATTERY_STATUS 0x1000 Supported get_battery, read only
BATTERY_VOLTAGE 0x1001 Supported get_voltage, read only
UNIFIED_BATTERY 0x1004 Supported get_battery, read only
CHARGING_CONTROL 0x1010 Unsupported
LED_CONTROL 0x1300 Unsupported
GENERIC_TEST 0x1800 Unsupported
DEVICE_RESET 0x1802 Unsupported
OOBSTATE 0x1805 Unsupported
CONFIG_DEVICE_PROPS 0x1806 Unsupported
CHANGE_HOST 0x1814 Supported ChangeHost
HOSTS_INFO 0x1815 Partial Support get_host_names, partial listing only
BACKLIGHT 0x1981 Unsupported
BACKLIGHT2 0x1982 Supported Backlight2
BACKLIGHT3 0x1983 Unsupported
PRESENTER_CONTROL 0x1A00 Unsupported
SENSOR_3D 0x1A01 Unsupported
REPROG_CONTROLS 0x1B00 Unsupported
REPROG_CONTROLS_V2 0x1B01 Listing Only get_keys
REPROG_CONTROLS_V2_2 0x1B02 Unsupported
REPROG_CONTROLS_V3 0x1B03 Unsupported
REPROG_CONTROLS_V4 0x1B04 Partial Support ReprogrammableKeys, DivertKeys, MouseGesture, get_keys
REPORT_HID_USAGE 0x1BC0 Unsupported
PERSISTENT_REMAPPABLE_ACTION 0x1C00 Supported PersistentRemappableAction
WIRELESS_DEVICE_STATUS 0x1D4B Read only status reporting from device
ADC_MEASUREMENT 0x1F20 Unsupported
LEFT_RIGHT_SWAP 0x2001 Unsupported
SWAP_BUTTON_CANCEL 0x2005 Unsupported
VERTICAL_SCROLLING 0x2100 Supported get_vertical_scrolling_info, read only
SMART_SHIFT 0x2110 Supported SmartShift
SMART_SHIFT_ENHANCED 0x2111 Supported SmartShiftEnhanced
HI_RES_SCROLLING 0x2120 Supported HiResScroll, get_hi_res_scrolling_info
HIRES_WHEEL 0x2121 Supported HiresSmoothInvert, HiresSmoothResolution, get_hires_wheel
LOWRES_WHEEL 0x2130 Supported LowresSmoothScroll, get_lowres_wheel_status
THUMB_WHEEL 0x2150 Supported ThumbMode, ThumbInvert
MOUSE_POINTER 0x2200 Supported get_mouse_pointer_info, read only
ADJUSTABLE_DPI 0x2201 Supported AdjustableDpi, DpiSliding
POINTER_SPEED 0x2205 Supported PointerSpeed, SpeedChange, get_pointer_speed_info
ANGLE_SNAPPING 0x2230 Unsupported
SURFACE_TUNING 0x2240 Unsupported
HYBRID_TRACKING 0x2400 Unsupported
FN_INVERSION 0x40A0 Supported FnSwap
NEW_FN_INVERSION 0x40A2 Supported NewFnSwap, `get_new_fn_inversion
K375S_FN_INVERSION 0x40A3 Supported K375sFnSwap
ENCRYPTION 0x4100 Unsupported
LOCK_KEY_STATE 0x4220 Unsupported
SOLAR_DASHBOARD 0x4301 Unsupported
KEYBOARD_LAYOUT 0x4520 Unsupported read only
KEYBOARD_DISABLE_KEYS 0x4521 Supported DisableKeyboardKeys
DUALPLATFORM 0x4530 Supported Dualplatform, untested
MULTIPLATFORM 0x4531 Supported Multiplatform
KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_2 0x4540 Unsupported read only
CROWN 0x4600 Supported DivertCrown, CrownSmooth
TOUCHPAD_FW_ITEMS 0x6010 Unsupported
TOUCHPAD_SW_ITEMS 0x6011 Unsupported
TOUCHPAD_WIN8_FW_ITEMS 0x6012 Unsupported
TAP_ENABLE 0x6020 Unsupported
TAP_ENABLE_EXTENDED 0x6021 Unsupported
CURSOR_BALLISTIC 0x6030 Unsupported
TOUCHPAD_RESOLUTION 0x6040 Unsupported
TOUCHPAD_RAW_XY 0x6100 Unsupported
TOUCHMOUSE_RAW_POINTS 0x6110 Unsupported
TOUCHMOUSE_6120 0x6120 Unsupported
GESTURE 0x6500 Unsupported
GESTURE_2 0x6501 Partial Support Gesture2Gestures, Gesture2Params
GKEY 0x8010 Partial Support DivertGkeys
MKEYS 0x8020 Unsupported
MR 0x8030 Unsupported
BRIGHTNESS_CONTROL 0x8040 Unsupported
REPORT_RATE 0x8060 Supported ReportRate
COLOR_LED_EFFECTS 0x8070 Unsupported
RGB_EFFECTS 0X8071 Unsupported
PER_KEY_LIGHTING 0x8080 Unsupported
PER_KEY_LIGHTING_V2 0x8081 Unsupported
MODE_STATUS 0x8090 Unsupported
ONBOARD_PROFILES 0x8100 Unsupported
MOUSE_BUTTON_SPY 0x8110 Unsupported
LATENCY_MONITORING 0x8111 Unsupported
GAMING_ATTACHMENTS 0x8120 Unsupported
FORCE_FEEDBACK 0x8123 Unsupported
SIDETONE 0x8300 Unsupported
EQUALIZER 0x8310 Unsupported
HEADSET_OUT 0x8320 Unsupported

A “read only” note means the feature is a read-only feature.

Implementing a feature

Features are implemented as settable features in lib/logitech_receiver/ Some features also have direct implementation in lib/logitech_receiver/

In most cases it should suffice to only implement the settable feature interface for each setting in the feature. That will add one or more widgets in the Solaar main window to show and change the setting, will permit storing and restoring changed settings, and will output the feature settings in solaar show.

A setting implementation is a subclass of one of the built-in setting classes illustrated by the pointer speed setting implementation.

class PointerSpeed(_Setting):
    name = 'pointer_speed'
    label = _('Sensitivity (Pointer Speed)')
    description = _('Speed multiplier for mouse (256 is normal multiplier).')
    feature = _F.POINTER_SPEED
    validator_class = _RangeV
    min_value = 0x002e
    max_value = 0x01ff
    validator_options = {'byte_count': 2}

A setting implementation needs a name, a label, and a description. The name is used in the persistent settings structure to store and restore changed settings and should be a valid Python identifier. (Some older settings have dashes.) The label is displayed in the Solaar main window and the description is used as a tooltip there. The label and description should be specified as translatable strings. A setting implementation for a feature (for modern devices that use the HID++ 2.0 protocol) needs a feature identifier. A setting implementation needs a reader/writer and a validator.

The reader/writer is responsible for actually writing settings to the device and reading them from the device, writing and reading the byte strings that represent the setting values on the device. For most feature settings the setting implementation can just inherit the standard feature reader/writer, FeatureRW.

Options for FeatureRW are supplied by the rw_options class variable, which is used to provide command numbers for reading and writing as well as other information needed to identify the parts of the command and response that hold the setting value and modify the reading and writing procedure. PointerSpeed uses the defaults; here is an example of specifying non-default commands for reading and writing:

    rw_options = {'read_fnid': 0x10, 'write_fnid': 0x20}

Some old devices use registers instead and the setting needs to use the register reader/writer. Only implement a register interface for the setting if you are very brave and you have access to a device that has a register interface for the setting. Register interfaces cannot be auto-discovered and need to be stated in for each device with the register interface.

The validator instance is responsible for turning raw values read from the device into Python data and Python data into raw values to be written to the device and validating that the Python data is acceptable for the setting. There are several possible kinds of Python data for setting interfaces, ranging from simple toggles, to ranges, to fixed lists, to dynamic choices, to maps of dynamic choices. Pointer speed is a setting whose values are integers in a range so _RangeV validator is used. Arguments to validators are specified as class variables. The _RangeV validator requires the minimum and maximum for the value as separate class variables and the byte size of the value on the device as part of validator_options. Splitting the minimum and maximum makes it easier for code that works with settings to determine this information. Settings that are toggles or choices work similarly, but their validators have different arguments. Map settings have more complicated validators and more arguments.

Settings where the acceptable values are determined from the device subclass the validator and provide a build class method that queries the device and creates an instance of the validator. This method can also return None, indicating that even though the device implements the feature it does not usefully support the setting.

Settings need to be added to the SETTINGS list so that setting discovery can be done.

For more information on implementing feature settings see the comments in lib/logitech_receiver/